Sentient Races

AUTHOR'S NOTE (delete once this page is complete): This is where I will put the general basics for each of the sentient species in this world. This is a massive WIP and will be modified greatly over time. At the moment I only have four sentient species thought out, but I will be very much including more. While I will have basic blurbs for each species here, as I expand more I will give each a dedicated page. I will be sorting them by how biologically related they are with each other (the only factor that this has on the worldbuilding is which pairs of species can produce offspring with one another)

AUTHOR'S NOTE (parts will remain here, other parts of this will be relocated): The way I'm planning on setting up the culture of this world is one where there are practically zero racist elements in the society of the world. I will elaborate on this in the future on the history (and probably a culture/society page as well in the future) page but essentially while there were instances of people being racist toward one another in the distant past, for the most part it's just about gone in common society. While there may be a few bad apples/particularly unpleasant characters who may have racist tendencies (which tbh is still tentative, I may end up just having racism be a nonfactor entirely) society essentially is racism free. This is due to the long and very fraught history of the world forcing people to band together and essentially unite (I will elaborate more on this once I set up my history section).

There still will be certain divisions but:

  • These divisions will only happen as necessary biologically (i.e. certain races being unable to consume certain foods/substances)
  • These divisions will never be teased/made fun of/joked about (i.e. a person of one race teasing someone else because the other person cannot eat a certain food)
  • These divisions will be accomodated for in society (i.e. a restauraunt will have food that is of equal quality that is edible to any race that eats there)

The Humanoid Family (TENTATIVE NAME)

The humanoid family consists of four races (referred to as "humanoids"), all of which share the following traits:

  • Bipedalism, all four humanoid races walk on two legs and use two arms to interact with the world
  • Low amounts of body hair/scales/etc. (TENTATIVE).
  • Two eyes, one mouth, and one nose.
  • An internal skeleton.

The members of the Humanoid family are as follows:

  • Humans: An adaptable race which originated on the plains. Their stamina is quite noteworthy, both in terms of physical stamina and magical stamina.

  • Dwarves: A sturdy offshoot of the humanoid family. They developed after an earthquake sealed a population of humans was trapped underground. They essentially developed down there and became a closeknit group who focused on helping one another and surviving underground. They are shorter than other humanoids - due to adapting to the cramped passageways in the Underground, and their eyesight is specially adapted to the low/near 0 light environments. and are skilled at stonework - due to it being the primary resource around them.

  • Elves: A lithe/thin race of humanoids who live in the forest. They have long pointed ears and